Customer Testimonials

Liza at Impeccable Prose did an outstanding job editing my 92,000 word science fiction novel. Whether it was grammar or story flow, she gave excellent feedback on how to make the story better. She also took great interest in the story and didn't treat it like it was 'just another job.' That attribute alone made me realize that I was working with a winner. I will definitely use Impeccable Prose for my future novels and give them and Liza my highest recommendation.

-- Gerald Williams, author of The Secret of Christopher Topher

I really appreciate the strong structural editing and copyediting work Liza provided for my book, A Wealth of Family. The book was an award-winner in the Multicultural Non-Fiction Category in the National Indie Excellence Book Awards, was a USA Book News "Best Books" Award Winner, and a ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Award Finalist. Thanks!

-- Thomas Brooks, author and motivational speaker

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